Understanding Interventions Annual Conference
2025 Understanding Interventions Annual Conference
August 9-10, 2024
February 7-8th, 2025
Baltimore, Maryland – Lord Baltimore Hotel
The 2025 Understanding Interventions conference, scheduled for August 9-10 February 7-8th, is in partnership with the annual NSF Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) Program meeting. All conference related activities will be held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, 20 W Baltimore St, Baltimore, Maryland.
What is the UI Conference?
This conference was established to facilitate dissemination and exchange of hypothesis-based research on interventions and initiatives that broaden participation in science and engineering research careers. The conference is designed to create a dialogue among behavioral/social science and education researchers, evaluators, and faculty in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields who participate in intervention programs. Graduate students in these fields are strongly encouraged to attend. Workshops, sessions, and posters will communicate effective strategies from successful STEM intervention programs, present results from empirical research studies, and synthesize the translation of research findings into practice on STEM learning, undergraduate research, graduate education, and student retention.
What should I expect to see?
- A limited number of plenary sessions addressing broad and large-scale contextual issues.
- Symposia and workshops organized by tracks of interest.
- Workshops lasting from 1.5 to 3 hours and providing hands-on instructional interactive sessions, either in one session or split into two over the course of the conference.
- Symposia feature 2-3 person panel presentations. These symposia may feature one speaker for an hour or several presenters of research on a particular topic/segment of the education pathway.
- Deeper Dives are 10-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. A maximum of three are presented during each session. Then each speaker moves to a roundtable discussion with interested audience members for another 40+ minutes of intense interaction.
- Colloquia Session (20 or 40 minutes). Colloquia are sessions that provide discourse on relevant issues in broadening participation in STEM. Colloquia are not research dependent and allow content and conversations that provide another avenue for contributions to the community of STEM interventions that broaden participation. Colloquia can be single presentations, panel discussions, or affinity group discourse.