2020 Understanding Interventions Conference

Plan to attend the
12th Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers
San Antonio, TX
March 13th through March 15th, 2020
Sheraton Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, TX
UI is excited to announce the rescheduled 12th Annual Conference on Understanding Interventions December 10 & 12, 2020! As you may recall, the original conference scheduled back in March 2020 had to be cancelled due the worsening global conditions, and further declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay tuned for details regarding the virtual conference.
On December 10, 2020 from 12:00-5:00pm (EST), and December 12, 2020 from 11:00am-5:00pm (EST), UI will host the Virtual 12th Annual Understanding Interventions Conference powered by Underline. Attendees will experience plenaries, workshops, symposia, and poster presentations on hypothesis-based research on interventions and initiatives that broaden participation in STEM careers. The conference will continue to facilitate the dialogue among education, behavioral, and social science researchers, evaluators, and faculty in STEM fields who participate in intervention programs. Graduate students in these fields are strongly encouraged to attend. Workshops, sessions, and posters will communicate effective strategies from successful STEM intervention programs, present results from empirical research studies, and synthesize the translation of research findings into practice on STEM learning, undergraduate research, graduate education, and student retention.
The cost to attend the two day conference is $150, with a single day rate of $85. There are special rates for post-doctoral fellows and graduate students, as well as conference grants that can be provided for those with need. Registration for the conference is open, with additional information to come.
The 11th UI Conference will be held at the Sheraton Gunter Hotel, 205 E Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78205
Book your reservation for the Understanding Interventions Conference at the group rate of $145 per night.  The group rate will be honored until Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
Conference registration is closed today, March 4th, for maintenance and processing. It will re-open tomorrow at 10:00am EST for normal operation.  If there are any questions, please email us at info@understanding-
The conference apps will be available soon!

Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2019
Proposals are invited for presentation on research projects and best practices highlighting pathways to STEM careers. Abstracts can be submitted to present in the following formats:Â workshop, symposium, deeper dive, or poster.
Workshops will provide attendees with models, methods, and hands-on tools that can be adapted to other campuses, programs, and populations. Two types of workshops are available: a. Hands-on interactive sessions (1.5 or 3 hours), and b. Focused Seminar (1.5 hours) on a single topic.
Symposia.  Concurrent symposia feature 20-minute presentations, each followed by a 10-minute open question and answer period.
Deeper Dives. Concurrent Deeper Dive sessions feature 15-minute presentations, after which members of the audience adjourn to one of three 30-minute roundtable discussions of their choice, each led by a speaker (and his/her coauthors).
Posters.  Poster presentations will highlight the following components:
1) Focus of the intervention—what is studied and why
2) Study population—describe it and any comparison or control group
3) Contextual factors—what was measured and how what limits generalization
4) Outcomes of the intervention—what was found in what time frame
5) Relevance to the UI community—how does the study advance theory and/or practice as described in the literature; what is adaptable and possible next steps
Submit your abstract today!
We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio!