About Understanding Interventions | Admin

Our broader mission is to positively impact the outcomes of efforts aimed at broadening participation in research and research careers through the expansion and dissemination of the relevant body of knowledge, and facilitate its implementation in practice, policy development, training, and professional development.

Minority Student Preparation for STEM PhD Study: Impact of NSF Bridge to the Doctorate Programming

By |2024-01-31T16:07:19-05:00January 31st, 2024|News|

The proven and easily replicated pattern of support programming, the demonstrated results of this programming, and insight into barriers URMs perceive to pursuing a STEM doctorate are immediately applicable to URM graduate student support at many institutions of higher education.

A Unique and Scalable Model for Increasing Research Engagement, STEM Persistence, and Entry into Doctoral Programs

By |2024-01-31T16:19:38-05:00October 25th, 2023|News|

Low persistence in science majors and limited participation in high-impact research experiences contribute to the nationwide underrepresentation of minorities in the science workforce, particularly jobs requiring a graduate degree.

Call for Proposals for 2023 UI Conference

By |2023-09-06T13:12:49-04:00June 20th, 2023|Conferences, News|

Proposals are invited for presentation on research projects and best practices highlighting pathways to STEM careers. Abstracts can be submitted to present in the following formats: workshop, symposium, deeper dive, or poster.

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Announcing the 2023 Understanding Interventions Conference

By |2023-09-06T13:10:28-04:00June 17th, 2023|Events, News|

Plan to attend the 2023 Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers, August 25-26, 2023 at the Salt Lake City Marriott City Center

Enhancing Research Mentors’ Cultural Awareness in STEM: A Mentor Training Intervention

By |2022-09-12T13:29:18-04:00September 12th, 2022|News|

Research mentoring relationships are critical to mentees’ persistence in STEM careers. Our results indicate that the ECA module is an effective tool to increase mentors’ capacity to enact culturally aware mentoring practices.

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