Not Just for Undergrads
Internships are not a standard part of Ph.D. training, especially in the biomedical sciences, write Kimberly A. Petrie and Ashley E. Brady, but the tide is shifting... (read more)
Internships are not a standard part of Ph.D. training, especially in the biomedical sciences, write Kimberly A. Petrie and Ashley E. Brady, but the tide is shifting... (read more)
New research suggests limited role for gender in predicting whether new Ph.D.s will get tenure-track jobs, but notable differences on pay and other issues, favoring men... (read more)
Accelerating Systemic Change Network Leadership Institute for Scaling & Sustaining Institutional Change: Advancing Campus Projects in STEM Education Institute Description The ASCN Leadership Institute is designed to support campus change agents in using institutional change strategies to advance STEM change projects to greater scale and sustainability. Campus teams will bring existing projects, envisioned or started, [...]
(Print/Download Article) Explore the benefits of continuing your educational pursuits at Mizzou through the Emerge campus visitation program, Tigerview.
Orginal Author: Daryl E. Chubin (Print/Download Article) Nearly 30 years ago, Eugene Garfield, the altmetrician of science who invented citation analysis (or bibliometrics, the foreunner of journal impact factors and h-factors) asked, “Is there room in science for self-promotion? Of certain innocuous varieties that are merely extensions of unconventional individuals, I surely hope so. [...]