The Missing Black Professors
Efforts to diversify the faculty may not be focusing enough on key areas, namely math-based fields -- especially when it comes to black faculty members. (read more)
Efforts to diversify the faculty may not be focusing enough on key areas, namely math-based fields -- especially when it comes to black faculty members. (read more)
Research being conducted by The Center for the Advancement of STEM Leadership (CASL) may show that “leading with soul” is directly connected to the success of STEM students at historically Black colleges and universities.(read more)
Low-income students could have a better shot at upward mobility if they had greater access to more colleges with a record of good student outcomes, but “income segregation” is getting in the way, several scholars argue in a new study released Monday (read more).
Undergraduate faculty members are well positioned to help correct a stubborn gender imbalance in engineering by promoting equity and women’s persistence. Yet they often receive little comprehensive training in gender equity or institutional incentives to advance engagement and learning among all students, not just those who traditionally succeed. (read more)
The composition of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce is about more than the individuals involved in science and engineering—it also is about the quality of science and engineering itself, and how that quality impacts the economy and the national interest... (read more)