About Us
The Understanding Interventions (UI) work began with the idea of a conference to facilitate dissemination and exchange of hypothesis-based research on interventions and initiatives that broaden participation in science and engineering research careers. Co-organized and led by Anthony DePass and Founding Co-Chair Daryl Chubin, the conference design encourages dialogue among behavioral/social science and education researchers, evaluators, and faculty in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields who participate in intervention programs. Graduate students in these fields are also strongly encouraged to attend.
UI conference workshops, ​training sessions, symposia, and posters communicate effective strategies from successful STEM intervention programs, present results from empirical research studies, and synthesize the translation of research findings into practice on STEM learning, undergraduate research, graduate education, and student retention. This has now expanded many other activities and resources that anchor communities of scholarship, assessment, and practice.
Our broader mission is to positively impact the outcomes of efforts aimed at broadening participation in science and science careers through the expansion and dissemination of the relevant body of knowledge, and facilitate its implementation in practice, policy development, training, and professional development.
Our Mission
Our broader mission is to positively impact the outcomes of efforts aimed at broadening participation in research and research careers through the expansion and dissemination of the relevant body of knowledge, and facilitate its implementation in practice, policy development, training, and professional development.
Our Philosophy
This work began with the idea of a conference to facilitate dissemination and exchange of hypothesis-based research on interventions and initiatives that broaden participation in science and engineering research careers.
Our Vision
In recognition of the paucity of equal representation in STEM education and careers, Understanding Interventions aims to mutually inform scholarship and practice, develop and enhance the community interested in educational interventions, and provide professional development for all STEM persons.
Principal Investigators
Dr. Anthony DePass is the Director of Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science (UI) and Co-Director for the Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence for the Study of STEM interventions. Dr. DePass is the Publisher of the UI Journal, and over the last three decades, he has led and evaluated several externally funded training and development programs including NSF ADVANCE, LSAMP, SSTEM, HBCU-UP, IUSE, and Noyce Teacher Scholarship program.
Advisory Committee
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Senior Director of Science Education
University of California San Francisco
Vice Provost of Student Academic Affairs and Dean of the Graduate Division
University of Michigan
Founding Director of the National Center for Institutional Diversity
Doctor of Education Program
Northeastern University
Graduate School of Education
College of Professional Studies
University of Michigan
Associate Director of the Diversity Research & Policy Program (DRPP), Associate Research Scientist
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Science Policy Analyst
American Society for Microbiology ABRCMS
Acting Director, Education Project Director/Co-Principal Investigator: Plenary Sessions & Partnerships
Rutgers University
Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Adjunct Professor, Department of Radiology
Director, NIH Minority Biomedical Research Support Program
Association of American Colleges & Universities
Vice President, Undergraduate STEM Education Project Kaleidoscope, Executive Director
University of California, Berkley
Assistant Dean, Biological Sciences
Biology Scholars Program, Director & Co-Founder
UI Journal Associate Editor
Northwestern University
Associate Dean for Professional Development
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Senior Fellow in Science Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
DiverseScholar, Executive Director; MinorityPostdoc.org, Editor
CUNY Hostos Community College
Jackson State University
Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Associate Provost in Academic Affairs
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
Founder of Intersections of Science, Business, and Diversity
Journal Leadership Team
Spelman College
Chair & Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
UI Journal Managing Editor
Wisconsin Institute for Science Education and Community Engagement (WISCIENCE)
Director, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
UI Journal Development Editor
Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science, Executive Director
UI Journal Production Editor